Our products and solutions are labelled and certified to guarantee our trust and motivation

To guarantee our seriousness, we have been labeled by several brands and references since our beginning. We do everything possible to guarantee our commitment to our labels and to respect our commitment to them. We are proud to bear the France Relance label, which highlights our inspiration to provide an answer to the financing needs of French companies in order to mobilize savings for the recovery, but also the Solar Impulse Foundation label which advocates the use of clean technologies. The rigor of our work is rewarded by these prestigious labels that motivate us to surpass ourselves, so that the impossible becomes possible.

The different certifications we have obtained are a proof of our seriousness and our perpetual desire to innovate. Our partners, such as AMD, Intel and NVIDIA, have allowed us to evolve within their community and their projects. We are also part of the Open Community since 2018, in order to evolve in a continuously changing environment. Thanks to the Open Community, we have been able to develop our flagship product that is OCtoPus.

French Institutions

European Institutions


Green Solutions

Community Network