Our technological innovations and energy-efficient ambitions are rewarded worldwide
Our ambitions, motivations and innovations have been rewarded by several awards over the years. Our evolution and our journey have allowed us to build a credibility and a brand image that are highlighted by these awards. We continue to build on our momentum, and every day our motivation to change the impact of the IT world on the environment grows. The various awards we receive keep us motivated and on track to push the limits of what is possible. Our awards come from all over the world, but we pay particular attention to regional and national awards, such as the Pass French Tech award or the Alsace Export award from the CCI Alsace Eurométropole.

2CRSi wins the Rhenatic Alsace Innovation Digital Excellence Award with its Hexaphi server.

Les Victoires de la Croissance, awarded by Croissance Plus, BNP Paribas, KPMG and Le Figaro.

2CRSi wins the Alsace Innovation trophy "Digital Issues of Tomorrow" award with its OpenBlade™ product and becomes an official partner of HGST Inc.

The company wins the "Responsible Digital Infrastructure" award at the "Cas d'Or" awards for its energy-efficient servers.

2CRSi received the "Alsace Export 2020" Trophy in the in the category "Establishment abroad" for all of its commercial development efforts abroad.

2CRSi received the "International Development" Trophy for its quick worldwide expansion and its eco-responsible plan, called "Mission 2027", in order to ensure its growth and eco-responsibility.